1909959_121059856318_3218683_nŠiandienos „Carlsberg” taurės varžovas – senas ir geras pažįstamas „Trivartis”, su kuriuo tiek patirta, pergyventa, apsikeista emocijomis, replikomis ir pergalėmis, kad turbūt sukūrus iš to meksikietišką serialą dar liktų ir mums patiems šiek tiek.
Kaip ten bebūtų, panašu, kad po truputį išaugome savo varžovus, ir dabar net ir tie gerokai retesni susitikimai atneša vis mažiau žavesio ir intrigos. Jeigu anksčiau dar rinkdavomės į visokias Bukiškes ar Grigiškes jaudindamiesi, kad reikia pergalės, tai dabar į varžybas einame visiškai atsipalaidavę. Ne žaidybiniu atžvilgiu, žinoma, o psichologiškai – visiems yra puikiai suprantama, kad esame skirtingų lygių komandos, tad kažkokių neįprastų rezultatų sulaukti galėtume turbūt tik per kokias Kalėdas.
Pirmos varžybos su „Užupiu” parodė, kad komanda ištroškusi pergalių, kad komanda moka ir nori žaisti, tad labai tikimės, kad tie 12 įvarčių buvo tik užkandis, o ne pietūs. Sudėtis praktiškai bus nepakitusi nuo praėjusių varžybų, tačiau dėl SFL taisyklių taurėje mums negalės padėti buvęs „Trivarčio“ žaidėjas Jose. Netektis, aišku, rimta, tačiau kuo pakeisti šį legionierių tikrai surasime. Būtent jį ir kalbiname prieš šias principines varžybas.
Jose, our next rival in the Carlsberg Cup will be „Trivartis” – your former team. How do you feel about it? Any regrets about your choice to leave them and join „Viltis”?
Honestly this rivalry thing that they talk about its more like a game than a real thing, when I made a choice to change it was more like a personal challenge because I know I can still give some good football and I needed a team with different ambitions that fit more to my personallity and my way to feel football and I am actually being grateful for the past year and a half playing with Trivartis. But I am very happy to be in Viltis now cause I feel very welcome and from what I see until now I know I made the right decision.
What is your relationship with football? Tell us briefly how you started playing it, what your experiences are and how you ended up playing in Lithuania.
Football is my eternal love, is something I dont even remember when I started loving it because I was in my mom’s belly when it happened, since I have memory I play, I started in the street in front of my house playing with my neighbors with a ball made of socks and goals made with rocks… playing even after the sun was going down and moms were callings us to go home, then later on when i was 8 it became a life style, everything was related to football, started participating in teams, started getting noticed, and started to do trainings, competing in tournaments and getting ready cause I knew that eventually I would join a professional team, that was my focus and while doing it with success I was getting more and more motivated.
About my experience in LT, it was a normal step to find where to play but basically friendly games until someone invited me to play in SFL from work, I never been into knocking doors to play, but im open to options if they are attractive.
About pure football I have suffered enormous amount of beating but is part of the game so I dont complain, back in Chile the punishment was less but still I got some, and as I said I found a great team to enjoy something close to what I had at home and in spain when I lived there.
What are your expectations towards our team? What do you like the most about it and where do we still need to improve?
My expectations are to help the team to reach our goals, first is to play based in our beliefs and never give up that, not negotioable way to play, after that and being consequent, the results will come automatically.
To be accepted and respected as a part of the team, and show in the field how grateful and happy I am for the opportunity given. I like that we all share the same feeling, the passion for the sport, thats very important, the mentality, and things to improve, for example in our last game from what I can say we should be more tight from minute 1 and not let things like that happen again.
Rungtynės „Viltis” – „Trivartis” jau šiandien Fanų stadione 18:30!